Author: gpratt
Grace’s 6th Grade Memories
Memory Book Link
First World Problem MeMe
The Cosmos’ scientific classification is Asteracea and,its scientific name is Cosmos bipinnatus. This flower grows all over Texas and can be adapted all over the United States.Its color can be deep crimson,soft pink,or white.It looks like folded cloth.The blooming period is April through November and grows to be 2 to 3 feet tall.The Cosmos suggested Read More…
Get To Know Mrs. Terry’s Class
What to do, what to do…There is a lot of hobbies you can enjoy. Honestly I like to go outside. One of the reasons I like to go outside is the sunshine.sunshine is great because most of the time it is healthy, and can give you great nutrition.Oh, and don,t forget your probally don’t Read More…
My special talent
Do you have a special talent.My talent is to be joyful and stay on the bright side. On New years eve my friend thought her dog was going to die.I said Jazz is only 7 and the average age for a lab to die is 10. she was not helping because she just said,”Then why Read More…
2D Design
5 squares 1 trapazoid 6 triangles 1 hexagon 6 rhombuses
Personal Narrative
Wheeeeeeee! That was me on a rollercoaster… Last summer I went to Cedar Point. Cedar Point is an amusement park in Sandusky,Ohio. WE rode Millinium Force . It goes slowly up a high hill then goes down the hill really fast. Millinium Force is rated best rollercoaster in the world. Next we rode Top Thrill Read More…
S-step away T-tell an adult O-okay sites first P-pause and think online